Closed Loop Recycling
Identify the need, and build excitement around the solution
Define the problem and how it affects the community
Find a specialty recycling organization and, together, build a plan to create volume
Be aware of regulations (ex. County Disposal Site regulations) and be prepared to work with local government to integrate the new system
Get municipal governments on board by showing:
The benefits to their constituents (landfill waste diversion, etc.)
The system can work, not just hypothetically (business plan)
The potential revenue if the system is scaled
The potential government grant money available (IRA)
Don’t be limited by the guardrails of the existing system
Be willing to innovate
Have the allies in place to collaborate on solutions
Prepare, involve, and invest partners in the proposed solution
Explain the issue, how it can benefit them, and why they should care
Vendors and suppliers
Local material recovery facility
Local non-profits
Look for third parties that handle logistics of programs like this
Once you have defined a common objective, create an implementation plan
Set goals and timelines
Start small
Launch pilot programs to figure out what works before trying to scale
Material management
Make clear agreement/regulations for what is allowed in plastic stream
Include aluminum – this pays the way, since plastic is a loss leader
Ensure existing system remains in parallel with new stream
Use your own business experience to deploy the new system
Integrate with what is already working (ex: Existing collection receptacles can be repurposed, successful collection methods can continue to be used)
Super sacks provide a great way to start at a smaller scale and grow
Ensure proper storage space – if you don’t have room in existing buildings, consider alternatives
Leverage corporate financial support
Apply for grants
Keys to Success
Storage space
- A 28’ trailer gave Copper flexibility and efficiency with material pickups and at a minimal cost
Transport (cost) of materials
Utilizing backhauling by supplier (Pepsi) solved this issue
Measuring efficacy
Prioritizing data collection metrics means selecting partners that are set up for this, like Replenysh
Little hiccups along the way
Be willing to engage the new program with adaptive management
We can’t wait for the perfect solution to take action
Iterate adaptive management process and continue to improve the efficiency, diversion rate, reduce costs, and build resilience with new Bottle Loop system